How to Stay late and code ? - an experience of my own !

Yet another day with a boring morning in front my eyes ! I used to think ... why my life is so boring and dull? why is it so blanch and pale? why only me? But one day i got self realization , it is the consequences that are driving my mind! not the pure ideas ! So what is so special about this day ? This day got a chance to occupy some space in my blog! great !
         I will tell you . Having friends and enjoying is something different from everything. I really don't know what i mean by that sentence but it means something. I have few friends , not because i am unsocial or something . Because i have a different perspective of seeing things and not many people are comfortable to be with me. And those who got the guts to be friends with me are "gods of the egypt".
        Today is SLAC(Stay Late And Code) basically this is a coding competition where you are given 24 hours to code . Pretty tough competition i can say.But most of them
watch movies and some them , who are hard core coders , they would put all their efforts to build an app or something staying late and coding . Well i will start my story. I don't know any coding but still i registered for this event . I do that in every event . Even though i am not good at stuff i go poke and see how it works! This is the most worst and best quality in me. So as usual i wanted to try something new.
     I woke early in the morning (@ 9:00 AM ) and with lot of self motivation and struggle we all got ready for the event . Now i am ready with my team and came to registration desk . By the way our team name is CRASS ( Initials of me and my friends name). It literally means insensitive dumb idiot. Which we didn't know when we were naming our team , but i was shocked to know during my regular google browsing . And after filling out the registration form we were excited a lot and wanted to be the next Steve Jobs or Evan Spiegels. Unfortunately we didn't know any coding nor we were skilled enough to make something up. Literally we blew the whole event . But we didn't loose our hope. Especially i was driving my whole team to work . One of friend actually did my job of motivating people when we were approaching the end of this mega event .Remember we still didn't get any idea. With my limited knowledge on this internet stuff i searched and found out that i can use WAMP server . But it is of no use we couldn't deploy anything .
      This whole event was for Computer science engineers and the people who came for the competition are of final year or 6 th semester engineers . We are 2 nd semester students !!! and we still didn't know coding .
    The whole vibe of the event made us work even more better . But at last we were lost . we ran out ideas and i ran out energy too. What to do next ? We didn't know . But i am pretty sure we all learnt how to work with the team through the very banters and cat fights ! The add on to this whole day of our slac fest began at 8:00 clock , where bunch of friends came and we all had fun .
       I cannot tell any more about this event . My final take on this event is , i was happy , had fun , learnt to deal with people.


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