Eleanor and Park

I love reading books. That aside, this book Eleanor and park just stole my heart. Rainbow Rowell is just awesome. Haha. I say that line most of the times. I mean it though. Eleanor is a fat teenage girl with red curly hair. You can say she is not the kind of girl you would spend time with, given her appearance.
Park, well he is an Asian guy who has a crush on Eleanor. I could almost say that it is true love, if had completed the book. YES, I haven't completed it. I am in 92 page and I was just wondering, what would happen to me if I was Eleanor. She didn't have a tooth brush of her own! Such a miserable life to live. Her mother didn't love her. She didn't know what it is meant to be loved at all. Her dad snuck off with another lady. Her mother remarried to a jerk who doesn't know how to love.
Eleanor found someone who could love her. She is afraid that she might loose that also. But look at the situation. She is so vulnerable in her own skin. She doesn't have any One to talk. She doesn't have friends. All the people at school just make fun of her appearance.
She is a freak, obviously. Given her conditions, being alive is itself a big deal for her.
The author just showed that. It is amazing to hold this book and read. It gives you lot of pain, agreed. But look at that other side, it tells you a lot about miserable lives . I once believed that I am not leading a life I always wanted. But to someone like Eleanor being alive it self is a big deal. Her step father hates her and tortured her. She has a bunch of siblings who are fit for nothing. She has to listen to her mothers wailing every night as her step dad beats her mom to death.
She can't call 911, when she did call 911 she was kicked out of the house.
I for some reason love this character. She should be so strong to face the horrors of her life. She is bold. I love Eleanor and Park.
I will be back with one more update on this book. I hope I finish this book soon. J want her misery to end. ♡♡♡♡


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