
Showing posts from May, 2015

"Epiphany" - realization of the half-truth belived.....

  Generally i get tadbit of nervous when i converse with  strangers , i think lot of us experience that kind of pang , like something is going to happen ! I kind of get adjusted to the situtation after few minutes of chat . However i was proved wrong many times when it comes to friendship. To make a friend is not a talk of five minutes but a way to a realtion , which turns out to be so valubale than anything  you posses at that time . For me friendship comes first than anyother work . It will be in second in line after the parents love , really a friend is one who loves you , understands you, talks to you in way in which you donot get hurt or sometimes you get hurt but it is all for you're prospertity.  The friend who i thought worth more than a my soul broke my heart once , not really breaking my heart , it was my perception that she betrayed me in some exam , which i won't mention. Reality will always come forward and lead us in the way to nurture the realtion...

" At the movies now " - a befuddled part of teenage bagatelles......

      The movies are dead and we are celebrating the obituary of every movie on its release , because why iam saying this is , i can totally visualize the movies from the past with the influence of many of that age . Not only the past there was an intercept change from the kind of  movie in my childhood to what iam watching now . How could anything change so vigorously merely in a decade . I can still remember  those  days when we used stand infront of the ticket counters , baying crowds all around the movie theatre for the newly relaesed movies . Most of the crowd would be fans of the actor, the shrilling of the mob was an invariable expreince . Contrastly now you can book tickets online , even you can choose youre food and seat . The waiter will get you the food which you ordered online . Earlier going  to a movie Was an event itself which was fully planned and most often dextrously orchestrated.  Last decade was so special as it had all kinds ...

TECHNOLOGY a Boon or Bane ?

            when I asked many people or just I surveyed some people to tell their opinion on modern technology . The most common answer which I encountered was its too cool! some of us also think in very pragmatic way , they told an astute answer , no diplomacy and controversy? The most firvoluos statements by many wise people on this so called technology seem riduculous . We would be hearing to the same adaged statements time and again . Neither the wise people change their paltitudinal long speeches nor the technology really takes a new dimension. All the development which  we see is really a delusion , because development in tech means not to build some IT parks or scifi type labs , it also includes every citizen in the grassroot level of it .                   Technology may be difinitley a colossal endeavour in the new direction of personal development for many , but at the same time in fourfold way ...

Brakedown-"the inner me to a special person"

The first break down was mains marks and the next in order is vit next srm now there is something very intersting which broke me down . I cannot belive my eyes now really it is so hard for me to take such a delinerate decision.  All the palcid moments the bathetic ones too we shared were just mere fun , everything is facade , nothing was true , knowing that i couldn't talk to her as socially as i did earlier . I thought her frndship was true and spotless. That was my "horns and halos "on her . I think i should maintain some distance it will ddfinitley help , untill the college ends i need to maintain frndly equation with everyone . She is not at all special to me , like evryone else ! What i feel about frndship is , it is the only true realtion in the whole galxy, no hiding from frnds , something said to a best frnd can never cause hostility in the realtion. Ironically that hostility was proved by her in a brandish , much probably in a cozen dimension, which i never thou...

Teenage trifles...

   The most confused part of the life i can say it for sure is teenage . Most of doesn't  even remmeber many things that happened in that age , because all the things that goes around us are firvoluos and can never really make some sense . For me it was exactly the same feeling. My back bench tales can never end if i start. The gossip that we make about everything almost everything . Nothing can daunt us in the protection of frnds , this was my perception . Ironically everything we think was so intelligent at that time would be proved as bagatelle story by some hanky panky frnds. For me it is awesome foursome experince the most wonderful part of the life. The teachers especially leave  a remarkable footprints of their presence forever . They forget about everything , even how we bitched and cracked jokes on them , and try to share the happiest moment with us when we are parting away from the house of dreams ( college) . That was wonderful , i can truly feel their in...