TECHNOLOGY a Boon or Bane ?

            when I asked many people or just I surveyed some people to tell their opinion on modern technology . The most common answer which I encountered was its too cool! some of us also think in very pragmatic way , they told an astute answer , no diplomacy and controversy? The most firvoluos statements by many wise people on this so called technology seem riduculous . We would be hearing to the same adaged statements time and again . Neither the wise people change their paltitudinal long speeches nor the technology really takes a new dimension. All the development which  we see is really a delusion , because development in tech means not to build some IT parks or scifi type labs , it also includes every citizen in the grassroot level of it .
                  Technology may be difinitley a colossal endeavour in the new direction of personal development for many , but at the same time in fourfold way  people are suffering from every dimension of life which they want it to be so colourful . Instead the same technology is deconstructing their lives into black and grey shades , who are thriving to see all colours of life. Now the word technological development became a paradox in india , because in one way it is lifting the economic growth and in the other way it is debasing economically enervated people. Loathsome attitude by the poor on the technology is  growing eccentrically. But technological development is the first step ahead in the economic development .
                Over the ages not only india many others were perpelxed with this word technology . The impeding factors for the development are firvolous trifles which some of us project as the most important traits . The opportunities are running out we need to take quick and astute decisons which may turn the fate of our country and head us to a new dimension which we never dreamt of. This may happen only with one shrewd idea and nothing more required . What all the others lack is dextrous people but what india lacks is rightful use of that talent. When we give the right oppourtunity for the right people at the right moment , they can really change india in not more than a year .
             I hope an educated person can understand the need of a country than experinced person , he may take good decsions but can never provide what people need. At the end of every debate or some symposiums we expect some result or some useful confessions to come out . But when we watch the news room debates we never get such confessions everything would be vague and nothing said in that news room debate can really make some sense. They just divert our attention for some time and after the discussion they say "stay tuned for the latest updates" . I see lot of those debates to understand what they want extract , but ironically i found they were fun to watch programmes for some political applauders.
           Taking into consideration of all the facts available i can say technology and development may effect forloned people or may benefit some wealthy , but the sole aim of every step , every decission the governement makes is to provide oppourtunites . We should accept the change , ironic fact to notice is we resist to change , we oppose the ideas that makes the change . When every citizen develops that kind of holistic view on the word technology then neither of us will really suffer. Happy endings were meant to happen and iam pretty sure that there will be one for us!!!


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