5 things you should do when you are suffering from chicken pox !

      Yeah! finally i got chickenpox.. you know what? i always wanted to get something like this and get the hell out of this old junkyard college for at least a month. Unfortunately this time i could only manage for five days of medical leave. Just think of it ... i want to get rid this of this you know what place ....... okay let me put before you the awesomest experience in my life....... aha! This is how a chickenpox looks like , blisters all over ( water bubble sized fully grown blisters ready to pop) , you can't really sleep nor be awake because they keep irritating you( a lot of bad itching sensation). Sorry if have been too medical . But you know i am going to talk in human language , that was due to my real obsession towards this med stuff.
        I am gonna tell my experience in three lines. First day was cool, second was bit too cool , third was coolest . What do you expect me to tell ? i got chickenpox! when all my friends were enjoying preparing for the trek and having fun with the lanterns..(eco week) they are even going for the science week this year ... expect me everybody is happy..Dude listen to me chickenpox is definitley not the coolest thing to happen , may be it is the worst thing. For me it was like a big great sin hanging around my throat pulling me back from what i wish i could have done with lot of happiness and content, with more satisfaction.. it stole my sleep , gave me more agony, it is obviously not adoring. Literally i have been feeding on juices which i hate the most.. right now frocibley gulping apple juice, hoping that i can start eating my routine from tomorrow. My mom would be cooking some delicious vadas but i can't eat them , do you want me to explain in detail? i am an Indian, and guess what Indians loves spices they enjoy the fragrance of spices they totally love eating that..signing off with this hateful chickenpox story!!


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