" At the movies now " - a befuddled part of teenage bagatelles......

      The movies are dead and we are celebrating the obituary of every movie on its release , because why iam saying this is , i can totally visualize the movies from the past with the influence of many of that age . Not only the past there was an intercept change from the kind of  movie in my childhood to what iam watching now . How could anything change so vigorously merely in a decade . I can still remember  those  days when we used stand infront of the ticket counters , baying crowds all around the movie theatre for the newly relaesed movies . Most of the crowd would be fans of the actor, the shrilling of the mob was an invariable expreince . Contrastly now you can book tickets online , even you can choose youre food and seat . The waiter will get you the food which you ordered online . Earlier going  to a movie Was an event itself which was fully planned and most often dextrously orchestrated.  Last decade was so special as it had all kinds of contortions .
             The tv shows comes first in summer . The new shows which comes into life in steaming hot summer are really summer delight to many of the teens ,  atleast i enjoy them the most. As a gawky teenager i to  have all the  fantasies about the cinema stars and actors , but to my family concerned they merely respect them. Then where i had this kind of movie attention was from my friends who persuaded me and they really pulled  me in that kind of  flick , where i was totally consumed by it. If i come to the money spinning quintessential tv shows hosted by great stars like amitabh bahchan , they are ultimate. The fiery bachan took over towards late evening as we sat wide eyed starting as his facial sinews contorted, delivering monologues that had us clapping and left us speechless.
              Such was the vibe of earlier tv watching with family , now that the times has changed . I lived and breathed those king sized movie moments with my family at the age of nine itself . Every time we plan to go for a movie my smile would definitley reach my eyes , with full of energy i watch it. I cannot state the reasons , i donnot have one to state but todays kind of movie is consuming the teenagers in grotesqueity , which leads to indifference. The same was experinced by me after watching a movie recently.
         I told you that we are celebrating the deadth of a movie before it got released because of the kind of unwanted attention they are craving to get. I recently noticed , i am not interested to name the movie but i felt that kind of  promotion might not be really necessary. First they relased the poster after few weeks they released the frist trailer ,with a obscure view of the movie , then the cast and crew of the movie made some guest appearences in reality shows , talk shows , news channels and blabberd out everything about the movie , now i feel there is no need to watch the movie as everything was set out about it .
        Summer is steaming up , i think it will be too hot to sip a cup of coffee in the evening . But to me , a teen veering in this line of junk , something like coffe would definitley take a special space . Completing my two year inter course and struggling to choose the college or running after those colleges which i may not expect , this is what really boggling around me , fun aside stepping into really good college is bro beating  my mind , i couldnot imagine any of the cool stuff i had shared with you above........ Eccentric experencies will definitely get me into all the cool stuff , movies , friends , cartoons , books everything only after a month i joined in a good university right.....


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