" ONLINE FRIENDS "- the rise of new epoch of friendship.....

           What we are seeing these days is friendship has been onlined and every chat goes from the so called microblogging sites . what is it all about ? Is it the evolution of new kind of friendship? No! I yell out so loudly ! not at all , in my view the true friendship has been retrograded and added  tinge of words like 'online  friendship ", LOL, and so on , [I really don't remember many of them ] mean nothing to friendship, they were trying to pull the friendship , which mean lot to nothing by adding such adjectives. Not that true friends won't chat , however most of the chatting that goes in microblogging sites is for mere fun and  banters . As  a kid of this online epoch , I feel true friendship must be restored online too, just jabbering bagatelles is not the case. You can obviously question me what is the problem with teenage blues in microblogging sites? Let me tell you, I want to remind you actually , because of this fun , because of this excitement to talk to strangers , which was spread viral in the young minds caused so much of sorrow to parents in every which way. Only because of this anxiety cyber crimes have developed so much ..
                     True friendship can be shared online but , you know what is true friendship then share anything you want . Some people are credible and they can easily be gullied and tricked by many, such people need not use the microblogging sites . Something done with a good intention will always have its catches , what we need to do is ,know what is  a catch and what not? My question is how can a 16 years old kid know what is good and who are trying to gully them .. it is so stupid to ask teens to be careful, in this world of master cyber hackers and greater than that.
                   Some of friends have accounts in micro blogging sites , there descriptions were wonderful, more exciting for me neverthless  I created an account , inspite of their luring . I am not against the microblogging sites , but I am against attitude of teens who tend to create one when it is not really necessary . I hears many cases , many of my close friends were addicted to those sites, literally they feed on them , their day starts with that and ends with the same . I want to tell you some common issues with the teens , when they use such sites for social communication , they will be oblivious of friends around them , their diet which leads severe malnutrition problems , eyes will be dried up, concentration on class work would be gradually put down .. oh! I can list out thousand such problems .
             This is summer and what reminds you ?' HOLIDAYS ' , the immediate follow up of holidays is microblogging . May be it is useful in some way but I think when teens use it , mostly it  is leaving them with nothing , as their peers go forward and such kids experience depression and other problems due to their inability to compete with others . The best part in using micro blogging sites is they connect you with you're friends free of cost . As I said earlier , true friendship must be restored , this can be done by avoiding chat with strangers who lure with many things , they are bit more experienced to you and in that subject you will always be  novice , because how much you know doesn't matter , as the cyber hacking is growing unprecedentedly ...........


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