"Unconditional love "- which parents afflict on their child..

  Generally , anyone who loves their parents want to show their affection but many hesitate to show and others doesn't get chance to show their love , respect and what they can do for their parents.. If the chance is with you and if you still hesitate then you're love for parents  will be contained in you.. In one word it will never show up even though you love them lots. I belive in my parents in their word, in their thoughts, they are everything to me. The love which they give is incontrovertible . My world is full of my parents and their reminisecnes of the past and their beautiful moments in the present and also i expect the same kind of joy and happiness with them . I sometimes feel like crying , why i behaved rudely , they are my everything but still the kind of attitude that i show is not so convinced . How can i tell them that i love them lots. But at times i feel like hugging them and playing with them like a child .
    Neevrthelesss that happiness lasts  with me because i don't know why? But i tend to fight with them in the next second. They think i am mad , but in reality i am a mad but for their love. I cannot bare any word out their mouth against me. Because i love them i want them to love me to the same extent , even though i know they want me more than i do , i feel like that. Their love is unconditional . What so ever you do ? Youre parents love you to the maximum extent if you can measure it with a scale , sorry you cannot measure that ammount of affectation that they show on their child. Many wrong perceptions dwell in the way in teenage but throwing away all those firvolous most probably bagatelles into to trash , we need to love them and care for them . Because , i feel the need to care for them , they made us what we are toaday! We are their products they have every right over us and above all they want us to be in right way.
   They donnot have any reasons , they just want their kids to rise in the future as a paramount , every parent feels that. But what are children of today doing! They are making their parents feel sorry for them . It should never be the case. I want to see my parents happy! So do eveyone want to see. But why do some children act wierd, as i analysed this  situation , i mean i passed throught that stage and now i am out that cage and i am like an onlooker so i can distinguish what is what? I feel the time , mostly the age which probes the child to turn out as a good person or a bad one! If it is the age , then why everyone find fault with child , is something to be analysed . To my knowledge concerned even if times weren't so good , we can change them or keep away fom the bad things, then there is no problem but still we are facing problems due to the age. The only solution to this problem is within you. You have to change . What is so special if you are a teenager ? It is just a stage of life but many of us tend to  end it in a bad way. As i told you , the only person who can bring you out this world of confusion is "you". You feel like chatting with freinds even when you have an exam the day after. Why that sensation comes to the mind is because our mind is designed to adopt bad first. But this can be solved if you restrain your'e self from indulging into something which you feel bad. That might be anything not only chatting with friends.
     The most difficult stage in the entire life cycle of a person is not when you become old but it is when your'e young and feel like your'e the king of the world. That is big mistake , i mean a general wrong perception of a teen. You have to get out of that clumsy world and develop the ability to see the world in reality and not in delusions. Above everything what i can say through this article is i love my parents , that i can easily walk out of what i want to be for them.. I want everyone to feel the same kind pang i mean it may last long , but an intense emotion, you have to feel emotionally conected with your'e parents then you can never abandon them , you care for them .. What if you are a teenager , or any big official , they are our parents... We are the only one who can think of them every second and feel them imprtant at every moment....  Above everything irrespective of what you are ! Ironically parents love you , so you have to reciprocate the same ........


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