SECRET SANTA- A DAY WITH ALLISON 1-3
            " Allison! you know what to do at the bus stop, right? " said lacey. "i won't bother about what to do , or what would happen and to remind you i am not going to bus stop, who knows lacey , may be this is just a stupid prank by chase or may be rebecca ?"said allison. "sure allison what you said is correct but try to understand the situation !" said lacey. "oh yeah! mommy please tell me what to do?" allison gave a grimace. " you will never understand Ms. cameroon ." lacey swiftly passed through allison.
           IN THE CLASSROOM .......
       Allison and lacey who usually share a single bench,are now sitting in two different corners of the classroom , the discussion they had in the recess brake really raised their egos and now they are not even willing to see each others faces .
       "hey , allison ! look here." Ms.ford shouted at her. ' oh sorry ! Ms.Ford , i didn't mean to do that , i was just thinking about my assignment sheetswhich i have to collect from you ." allison covered the situation. From the back bench scott stilinskii was shouting . " dude , looks like allison lost her mind onece again in the classroom, allison ! what is 2 plus 2." scott mocked at  allison. Feeling really irrated allison walked out the classroom while Ms.ford was trying calm her down. allison ran and she went into the old school building which is usually deserted . but to her surprise she saw someone moving near the main door. she was sitting on a bench inside the classroom. she got up and walked towards the classroom door , where she stood for sometime and observed if someone was there near the main entrance of the old building , however she couldn't anyone moving around that place. she thought she might be hallucinating things but after she went and sat on the bench , again she heard someone moving . this time she thought she couldn't be wrong so she walked up to the main entrance and she was trying to peek hiding by the wall . then she noticed a gift box lying on the floor. by the sight of the box she was horrified and she could hardly speak , literally she was dumbstruck. later she went to collect the box. she was surprised to see scott's name on the box .
       allison wants to give that box to scott. so she came to her class , however nobody was in the room , it was empty as it is lunch brake. sheought of going to cafe but she withhelf that idea because she thought that everybody would look at her and mock her . allison is a big fan for harry potter novels, and sherlock holmes . she is really interested in detective kind of stuff. Not only that her aim is to become a big detective , moreover she loves to solve problems and she is the fastest problem solver in her class. Some times even instructors face problems with her problematic mind . She is miserable , she loves to mock at others and she doesn't like others mocking at her , she either returns their quota of fierce punches back or she justs moves away from that spot. Everybody literally hates her . Hates in the sense everybody feels jealous , beacause she is really intelligent , smart little jerk .
         allison by personality is not so scary , she is little sweet girl with curly blonde hair. Her parents being jews she always believes in jewish traditions . Obviously this little smart jerk is a big fat racist . after thinking so much she dared to go the cafe , she hesitated not because everybody would mock at her and she would feel , it is because if she feels irritated she would definitely punch his face and it becomes a big issue and the school disciplinary committee will file a case against her. anyhow she went into the cafe , this was the expression in everybody's face," wow! dude it is allison cameroon ! i cannot believe  my eyes dude." but allison didn't even notice what others are talking about her she went straight towards scott and asked him to apologize to her. he hesitated to do so . " hey, allison lost youre way?" scott questioned allison. " no , scott skilinskii, i wanted you to apologize , can you do it fast so that i can skip all this accpeting youre sorry and tell what i wanted to ." allison said it as she never cared what he might think. scott was agitated by what allison said. he rose as if he is about to punch her in the face. allison stood as it is and she was not afraid of what he might do . " scott if you want to punch me in the face , it is a very bad idea." said allison smiling . scott was really angry with allison but he couldn't do anything at that time, so he took the gift box sulkly.
         allison kept on thinking ... what to do? she didn't understand a bit of the events that were happening to her . why would anybody present scott with a gift box, if they wanted to give him a gift they could go to him and then they can give the gift by themselves , but it didn't happen like that . These few lines were brow beating allisons brain.
          after a while... she came to her hostel room and she was blogging about her recent experiences . Accidentally she noticed one of the comments on her old post , it was " allison you are a great blogger and great detective , i understand you're anxiousness . i want to talk to you about this." anonymous . she was literally shocked by this . she thought of seeing all her old posts and their comments , she found many such comments in the comment box . " i think this is not a game or a prank , but somebody are searching for me , not  from four days ago where i found that special line from chase , it is from the day i started blogging , from my 8th grade! who would do this ? this is really such idiotic stupid dumb thing ever to track my moves all the time and keeping an eye on me for 7 years or may be before i started blogging . i cannot figure out what this all means? this is happening to me , this is related to me , someone wants me, for good or bad .... can anybody answer all these questions?? please !! " allison thought all these things in her mind and kept quite without revealing a single bit to lacey who was sleeping at that time.


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