Flood is everywhere, and encircled everything... now what? can't believe my eyes! yeah! this is about chennai floods and i live in chennai. You might think , what is so special about this floods, i should tell you this , literally these floods scared the hell out of me! in fact i did not even know that my house was flooding! i might be exaggerating things a bit , but i felt like crap these four days.
          Fortunately or unfortunately my exams were postponed so i have to stay in bangalore for one more week. One more thing i am not one of the victim of chennai floods ! i am studying in bangalore and my parents stay back in chennai. i was not scared about my self , i was afraid about them at first , later i came to know that the place where my parents live is safe and it is all manageable .
         most miserable thing is ,everybody looks at you as if you have lost everything and you will ask them for help. yeah that was my friends feeling when they came to know that my house was flooding. the worst part was nobody was lifting the phone , imagine how i felt at that moment. One more thing which irritated me was , people calling me and enquiring if everything is okay .
         After all my house as safe as it had been hiding in a bank vault and my parents , not worry about them , safer than me. so i am haapy .


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