I have to say that , i find a strong nexus or somekind of attraction towards books. Not all but some fascinate me much more than what a movie does? If i have to say about old literature(to my best known facts) it really tests your worth while reading. But in contrary, modern literature there is lot of derision and ad hock kind of writing. It is not that mature and much probably i can i say amature version of great works. Not much creative work is really going on today, everything we read is as simple as we eat. Spoon feeding is the major adversary the present generation is facing. Everything is easily available and refering to citing in some journal , i want tell , that if we excesively and exhaustively depend on others like parasites , one day we will definitely face a paroxysm of nature. Tech” is very cool thing now a days ! But it causes lot of pollution and it is underpinning  cause  for  global warming . Not to go into environment , iam just saying . Vintage vs modern , i vote for vintage.
                  Vintage spruces up the life and even though it doesn’t comfort us as modern socitey does, it is perpetual. Nothing can ever parallel vinatge life. Life was so simpler then no complexity. No computers , no mobiles, no motor vehicles. There was innudate ammount of trees, people use to work hard ,that keeps them fit. There is no need to be a dapper to lead a robust life , it  is enough to do our work with out beining reliant on someone or something. We have to perk ourself up and move towards reality. All the comforts we experince were not at all a lineage . We created them and they showed us a intercept change of lifestyle . But we don’t realise it soon that we are in world of phantom , later we become insolvent to nature. That is what W.R Inge told in his entire set of writings . I am very much inspired by his writings , i may not read his writings in a meticulous way but to my understanding and perception i was correct. We are now siphoning off  a legacy of unhealthy life habbits and making our future generations or our posterity stoic! Many writings and much more discourses are emerging out everyday , but the affliction of them on our lifestyle is zero . In order to be stylish and more modern we are leaving a great cult and the ethos of what we used to follow earlier.
           I bet none of the comforts make us happy we are just finding a new  meaning to adversary on the cost of our present day lifestyle. My opinion of facing virulent and hostile adversaries is , not so good to face them . But we are on the edge and soon they will be on our way , so be shrewd about all the things you follow. Be grounded to the cult and type of proceedings all the stuff that our previous generations had followed. Don’t  play the card of a savage be responsible on your part . Quell all the things which you feel you are in doing  something wrong or which you feel this is not we are supposed to  do? There is nothing much a single person or a single government can do to change the world habbits . It all depends on the civilians !!!!


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