What makes cities really smart?

       This was an article published in the esteemed hindu daily in the column "comment", which was a political comment on the present rate of growth  of cities and all the adversaries we face , it also projects the real situation and holistic view on lack of infrastructure and many more facilities which reconstruct the pradigm of metropolis....
        It was once said that cities should just  concentrate on three things transportation , land titling , e -governance rather on grandiose plans and boulevards...the statement is true and it is hundread percent correct in indian ideology. Over the period planning ultra smart cities has changed from providing liveability to scifi type.. What all has really changed is peoples way of thinking ! Even to construct a dream house , there will be a long process including taxes and plan approval .. Times has changed we need something really cool and sizzling. In many other countries the people can directly connect with the government through internet and micro blogging sites . They can even request for pothole repairs !!! But in contrast in india there will always be a long procedure which will take atleast a month or so ... Until the problem gets solved people get used to the same .. The best way to solve the arduous hurdles will be through e governance but happlessly india cannot surge forward in that direction because of cyber security and significant privacy and data protection risk.
          With my sense of aesthetic i can definitely yell out that a good metropolis requries strenuous effort and delligerently working government employees and not only them people also shouldn't choose shortcuts instead go in much ingenous way .. The urban people are scintillating and much more poise than the others , so they need to help government in developing and understanding the complex realities of poor and downtrodden... Already the other highly metropolized countries had set a benchmark and it reqiures lot of perservance and prevalanced view for a under developed country like india .. Another factor which impeds the urbanization is transport . It is just like the main artery for a sustainable smart city . Inspite lacking of that pivotal system we still call delhi as a smart city. The e governance is an integrated system including infrastructure , wifi hotspots , direct conversations with public, wifi networks , and optic internet delivery at home.. The list for development can never be shortlisted instead we need add much more to reach the benchmark already set by many other power nation like america.
        Another term green city has also been emerged in the recent past . India took up the project and surveyed for the cities viable for green city project . They nearly listed out 21  cities but could only employ the theme for two , even then the two cities which were taken up under green city revolution were not been successful. After all civilians should participate in the programmes and concepts employed by the government . For their active participation gov should install social hubs and some symposiums where discussions on the city development will go on . In those discussions the urbane citizens should participate and give unprecedented ideas to make india move forward in a newer dimension of development . The political bodies such as ministers and governors should also participate in the same and help the audience undestand the present day subterfuges and problems , they must provide a lucid view of all the underpinning caused of undr development . The most important power and weapon i can say for no doubt " youth" will be the first prefence for india . It should indulge youth in evry political review of the programmes and intiatives that are going to be deployed . All the factors put together determine either the smart citires or the indian claim over the development . I hopefully belive that youth have a strong nexus in the roots of eveything that we chose in the path of urbanization... 


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